Saturday, July 5, 2008

Nine Totem Animals

This morning I'm just going to do the very simple process of discovering my nine totem animals and explaining what they mean in relation to me in the position of the spread. You can do this yourself with your intuition in choosing the animals you feel fit in each of the "slots" or with your own medicine card deck which you can either buy or make yourself. I actually suggest creating the deck yourself as you can choose to include as many animals, past or present, as you desire. It also adds a strong connection to the deck when you use it for making spreads, asking a question, or finding your guide for the day. Of course there's nothing wrong with buying a pre-made deck either, just make sure it's one with blank cards included so that you can add in an animal close to your spirit if it isn't already there.

To find your totem animals, spread your deck out into an arc face-down and choose seven. I always feel the cards calling to me when I use this method instead of simply shuffling a deck and drawing them out. Close your eyes and move your hand slowly from one end of the spread to the other. When doing this, I'll let my intuition take over and my hand will stop over a card that I feel is "responsible". This may sound silly, but if cards had characteristics, it would be irresponsible or responsible for me. To you it may feel as if one card is warmer than another, or more genuine, nicer, more open. Anything that lets you distinguish one card out of the bunch is something you should try following.

After you have chosen your seven totem animals, lay them out in an arc with their faces still down. Turn them over one by one and listen to what they say to you in their positions. Remember to put your opinions of yourself to the side. Here is mine:

East: This animal guides me to my greatest spiritual challenges and guards my path to illumination. I picked Frog, which signifies cleansing. On my path to uncovering what is true for me, I need to remember to wash away that which is not useful anymore and has become harmful. When I feel stuck or need to replenish my spirit, I can call on Frog to do this.

South: This animal protects the child within and reminds me when to be humble and when to trust so that innocence can be balanced within. I picked Otter, which signifies woman medicine. She is telling me to let go of my ego and to trust others unless given reason to do otherwise. Otter is very playful and adventuresome and will not start a fight unless attacked first.

West: This animal leads me to my personal truth and will show me the path to my goals. I picked Weasel, which signifies stealth. His silence and his observance to what is really going on will aide me in seeing beyond the superfluous and to identify what is real and what is false. I should remember to apply this to everything I aim for--are there "hidden reasons"?

North: This animal reminds me when to speak and when to listen and to be grateful for every blessing every day. I picked Deer, which signifies gentleness. She will continue to remind me of compassion and to speak and listen with love. The blessing that is inherent in even the worst of days, she says, is peace. In the loudest thunderstorm there is still the silence from which it must come.

Above: This animal teaches me how to honor that from which I came and is the guardian of my dreams. I picked Whale, which signifies the record keeper. He is like a swimming library who carries the history of the Earth and of us all. I must open up my ears to the beat of the shaman's drum which connects the beat of every heart.

Below: This animal teaches about the inner earth and how to stay grounded and on the path. I picked Ant, which signifies patience. His patience is put to work for the whole, in carrying a leaf hundreds of miles just to get it back to the anthill, to the community. It is important for me to remember to have patience on the path and that if something does not come to me when I suspect it should, something of equal value or greater will come instead down the line. I need to build my life up on the path slowly and surely.

Within: This animal teaches me how to find my heart's joy and how to be faithful to my personal truths, and it is also the protector of my sacred place. I picked Alligator, which signifies integration. He will teach me how to integrate and to appreciate all that life offers--spiritual and otherwise--, to roll with the punches and to laugh when my life situation becomes too serious. Like Ant, he also teaches patience.

The next two totems are hand-picked and for some reason, favored with me.

Right Side: This animal protects my male side and is my Father-protector within. This animal also carries my courage and warrior spirit. I chose Black Panther, which signifies embracing the unknown. He has both courage and grace to jump into the darkness and the void of time and space. He will teach me how to simply be and to confront whatever lies in wait without fear.

Left Side: This animal protects my female side and teaches me how to accept abundance and to use it to nurture others and myself. It also teaches me about relationships and mothering. I don't have a totem in mind, but an animal that is soft and accepting like Deer wants to pop in here.

I feel very good about my spirit guides that have come through for me today as nearly all of them have come up in some shape or form numerous times in the past and I'm sure they will continue to do so in the future. I imagine them walking, running, flying, or swimming at my side and a sense of peace and comfort wells up from within. Even if I forget their names, they will continue to be there as will yours, before and after you discover them.

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