Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Going Out

I had wanted to do a daily tarot spread to sort of get myself prepared for the day ahead and it has finally hit me upside the head that I cannot possibly use a daily spread. Why? Because I don't get out of the house. It's very hot this summer and I don't own a car so I prefer to stay in the house, waiting until early August to take my state exams for a job.

You can't learn or grow without interaction with the Earth. How can she ever teach you anything if you stay home from the proverbial school? If you spend your life stuffed up in a house or an apartment like I have, you are stunting your personal and spiritual growth. You need challenges to overcome and if the hardest one you're facing today is when you're going to do the dishes, you've become stagnant. Don't get me wrong, there's a place and time for relaxing in the comfort of your own space without intruders but if in relaxing you start to go into a coma, wake up now!

I am going to spend today preparing for tomorrow. NEVER DO THIS. Why am I doing it? Because I'm afraid and have become paranoid, which Weasel has warned me about over and over. However, there are a couple of events that have been set up for tomorrow which I must attend and if I'm going to be so stagnant today, I might as well prepare for tomorrow. Hopefully you have not gotten this far down the road of introversion and hermitage and can find a way to interact with the world and the people in it. Please do not let yourself get this bad... it is a heavy burden to carry and an even harder one to roll off one's back. It's completely doable, but there is that reluctance which tells us that we will be nothing without the burden and that it is our armor. Lies. Lies. Lies. Let go now. Find Weasel and ask for his medicine.

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