Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Dull Pain

I woke up without heartache this morning and it feels so wonderful. My mind keeps "testing" my heart by sending it little messages... "I wonder what he was wearing on their date," etc. The sharp pain isn't so sharp anymore and that's a step in the right direction. I really do think that I'll be able to let it all go and actually feel great about it by the end of the week. After all, I had been wanting to end the relationship for awhile and maybe it was only once I realized that the door wasn't open anymore that it started to sink in what had happened. I seem to get over breakups pretty fast and am known for moving on much too quickly. This is because it's almost as if I don't realize what's going on and don't want to accept the breakup, I just physically carry out the motions when I feel it has to be done. This too shall pass.

Weasel and Dolphin have come to me this morning, both grinning happily. Weasel is one of my nine totem animals and it is he who guides me down the path to my truths and goals. He knows much and shares it with me as accurately and honestly as any weasel can. He says to keep a keen eye on the world around me so as not to let confusion set it.. which can eventually turn into paranoia. I will remain aware today and not get caught up in any sort of lie which may come creeping in.

Dolphin tells me to breathe deeply and enjoy the beauty of the reefs. She knows how much stress I have been under for so long and recommends the medicine of breathing, changing the rhythm and connecting to the Earth and everyone on it. Relax!

Yes, relax. Relax but do not fall asleep--keep an open eye, like weasel.

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