Monday, July 7, 2008

Weekly Wheel of Fortune 1

I would normally like to do this on Sunday nights but Monday mornings will work just as well. All I've done is take 8 cards, one to signify the overall mood of the week and 7 more to represent each day. The spread looks something like this:

-------S -------
-----4---3 -----

S: X Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel suggests that I will be approaching the end of a problem this week and that it will be quite inevitable. The clearest problem I have now is not being able to let a lost love go and perhaps I will be able to do that within the week.

Monday: Five of Cups
Today I will be experiencing a partial loss and feeling regret. The Five of Cups is telling me that there is an incomplete union or partnership still floating around, which would be the one side of the relationship that I am stubbornly not letting go of. However, looking back at the Wheel, I will let go this week. The Five of Cups also prompts on the return of an old friend and this morning I received an e-mail from just such an old friend.

Tuesday: IV The Emperor
The Emperor signifies a male influence, possibly my brother as he is now home from college. The reverse of the Emperor says that there will be failure in controlling petty emotions, which I take to mean the emotions that I have for the current situation with my ex-lover. I should be very aware of any jealousy that might come creeping in tomorrow and somehow find a way to control it.

Wednesday: XVIII The Moon
I have planned a casual date with a new friend of mine for this day. The Moon is warning me of his possible ulterior motives and that I may be taken advantage of. I am luckily already aware of his plans but find myself giving into the temptation. He is gentle with his words but will not be so gentle with my heart. I should either reconsider the meeting or take it with a grain of salt.

Thursday: 0 The Fool
The Fool is one of thoughtlessness and folly. He is insecure and makes the worst decisions. I must be careful to steer clear of anyone who fits this description or make extra sure that my emotions and my choices are under sane control on Thursday.

Friday: King of Swords
The King of Swords represents a responsible, professional, experienced, controlled, and authoritative person. They have many thoughts, ideas, and designs. He or she may come to me on Friday and I should open up to their analytical creativity, I may learn something.

Saturday: Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups sounds much like my mother, beloved, warm-hearted, fair and practical. Saturday will be another day to open up to either her or someone like her. If at all possible, I should spend as much of the day with her.

Sunday: Queen of Pentacles
The Queen of Pentacles represents generosity, security, grace, and dignity. I believe that by the end of this week, I will acquire the Queen's traits and put them to use in my current love situation, as is told by the Wheel of Fortune. I feel an over-whelming sense of peace and feel that I will be able to make it through this week with a smile on my face at the end.

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